About Us

A Message from Our Chairperson
I am honored and humbled to be elected as DCC Chair for these next two years. We're excited about a new administration, Senate majority, and Californians like Xavier Becerra and Alex Padilla moving up into national leadership. Our job at ground level is to grow our strength locally, get Democrats elected, and have an impact on helping people develop their power to make a difference.
My background in community change is based on relational organizing. This means that people finding common ground, shared values, and reciprocity is the basis for building power. Think about it: for most of us, we get active because someone we trust asks us to get involved. You and I can only do so much as individuals, but when we work together in durable relationships, we become more powerful.
For all we love about Santa Cruz County, we share many challenges and difficult problems. Whether your passion is around housing, health care, education, immigration rights, climate change, racial justice, LGBTQ+ equality, the status of women, working families, voting rights, or any other, we know that all those issues are connected. Whatever your entry point is, here among local Democrats you'll not only find people who share that motivation, but you'll also help build community and find new ways to work together.
We move forward together. I look forward to working with you.
- Andrew Goldenkranz (he, him)
About Us
A vote will be taken among Committee Members or their Alternates at the January 22, 2025 General Membership meeting to fill an open seat from Supervisor District 2. Any registered Democrat living within District 2 is eligible to run as a candidate. For further information, contact Committee Chair Andrew Goldenkranz at 831-588-8262.
California State law requires every county to have a Central Committee for each political party. The official title in Santa Cruz County is the Santa Cruz County Democratic Central Committee, also referred to as SCCDCC or DCC. This is the local governing body that works in concert with the California Democratic Party. Membership consists of local Democrats committed to supporting Democratic ideals, issues, and candidates on local, state and national levels. Each Central Committee member is elected for four year terms by the voters in each of the five Supervisorial Districts in Santa Cruz County in every primary election. All Santa Cruz County registered Democrats are eligible to run for these seats and may apply prior to each primary election by completing the required forms at the Santa Cruz County Elections Office.
Our Mission
Identify, encourage and support Democrats who choose to run for public office in Santa Cruz County;
Conduct Democratic voter registration drives;
Increase voter turnout at the polls; and
Sponsor activities designed to educate and inform the community on current political issues.
The DCC also charters local Democratic Clubs that organize educational and social events to increase interest and involvement in Democratic issues.
Our People
There are currently twenty-one elected members from the following Supervisorial Districts:
District 1: Five (5) member seats
District 2: Four (4) member seats
District 3: Five (5) member seats
District 4: Two (2) member seats
District 5: Five (5) member seats
In addition, there are Ex Officio members, who are Elected Democrats whose State Senate, the State Assembly, and Congressional Districts are within Santa Cruz County boundaries. Both members and Ex Officio members may appoint alternates who may vote if the member is not present. In the event a vacancy occurs between primary elections, notices of the vacancy are made public (including on this website) and registered Democrats who reside in that Supervisorial district may apply for the vacant seat. New members are always welcome and bring new ideas and vitality to the organization.
District 1 (representing the cities and areas of Live Oak, Soquel, the Summit area, Santa Cruz Gardens, and Carbonera)
Edward Estrada – alt Lani Faulkner
Tony Russomanno – alt Keith Gudger
Adam Spickler – alt Stephanie Jacobs
Leslie Steiner – alt Casey Van Den Heuvel
Linda Wilshusen – alt Elaine Johnson
District 2 (representing Aptos, La Selva Beach, Corralitos, Freedom, and portions of both Capitola and Watsonville)
OPEN – alt Albi Romero
Denise Elerick – alt OPEN
Adele Gardner – alt Pat Manning
Gigi Kelbert – alt OPEN
Rachel Williams - alt Yvette Brooks
District 3 (representing Davenport, Bonny Doon, the North Coast of Santa Cruz County,
as well as a significant portion of the city of Santa Cruz, including the University of California, Santa Cruz campus)
Diana Alfaro – alt Rafa Sonnenfeld
Akin Babatola – alt OPEN
Amy Chen Mills – alt Joy Schendledecker
Justin Cummings – OPEN
Bodie Shargell – alt Lola Quiroga
District 4 (representing most of the city of Watsonville as well as the surrounding unincorporated areas of the Pajaro Valley)
Ed Acosta – alt OPEN
Celeste Gutierrez – alt Vanessa Quiroz-Carter
District 5 (representing the San Lorenzo Valley, Santa Cruz Mountains, the city of Scotts Valley, portions of the city of Santa Cruz,
as well as the faculty housing portion of the University of California, Santa Cruz campus)
Glenn Glazer – alt Wendy Harris
Linda Kerner – alt Tim Willoughby
Coco Raner-Walter – alt Carolyn Livingston
Rae Spencer-Hill – alt Alina Layng
Joe Thompson – Amanda Harris Altice
Elected Officials and their alternates:
Congresswoman District 18 - Zoe Lofgren - alt Ari Parker
Congressman District 19 - Jimmy Panetta - alt Emmanuel Garcia
State Senator John Laird - alt Jonathan Engleman
State Assembly District 28 - Gail Pellerin - alt Peggy Flynn
State Assembly District 29 - Robert Rivas - alt Felipe Hernandez
State Assembly District 30 - Dawn Addis - alt Andrew Goldenkranz